Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” -1 Thessalonians 5:11
Christian Counseling

I believe when you are searching for a counselor, finding one that is a good fit is the most important step in your healing. When you find someone who is a good fit, the ability to speak easy about what you want, how you want to get there, and what you are struggling with increases greatly. This includes faith, and the topic of faith and religion can be a touchy subject in today’s society. Within the realm of counseling, I want to offer a space that welcomes you to bring in your faith and religious struggles in, and in that same space allow you to incorporate your faith into your healing.
Many people believe that we should be able to pray about our mental health and move on. Sometimes the problems of this world give us a handful. God put us on this earth to love one another and to support one another through this journey. Anxiety, depression, trauma, past wounds, grief and loss, and the list could go on, we are not meant to struggle alone. God gave us one another so that we did not have to walk through this life alone.
How can my Christian beliefs be incorporated in counseling?
There are various ways to incorporate your faith into counseling. I will start with my basic principles. I will never force any incorporation that is not welcomed. In Christian counseling, I allow the client to take the lead in regards to how much their faith is incorporated into counseling. I work from the premise of the beliefs of Christianity, and all of my work within the realm of Christian counseling will work from the foundation of what the Bible says.

Some clients choose to incorporate scripture to their healing; while some ask to pray before and after each session; and some simply want someone to help them live a more faith-filled life. Some people choose to never bring up their faith in counseling, and I respect their choice to do so as well. Each person is different in how they hope to approach incorporating their faith into counseling.
Incorporating faith does not mean that I will quote scripture at you or condemn you for things you are doing that may not align with your beliefs. That is not my place, nor will it ever be. Jesus did not walk this earth condemning or criticizing people; He came and He taught, loved, and did discipleship among us. I am here to love, support, and walk with your through your journey. That is what we are called to do. So please reach out if this you feel that Christian counseling is how you would like to approach your healing.
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” -1 John 4:11.
**If you are looking for a church to call home Red Rocks Church has multiple locations around the Denver area. The church I call home is Littleton, CO campus. Visit their website to see if they could possibly be a good home for you during this journey**
**Not everyone practices religion or considers themselves spiritual. In my practice I recognize different beliefs systems and different spiritual considerations for people. It is important to respect and also recognizes everyone’s stance on religion and spirituality, and never will I force my beliefs or values upon you. I recognize that each individual is walking their own path, and I hold the greatest respect for each individual to do so.**